About & Process

Hi! I’m Jessica

contemporary artist


When painting, there is the physical aspect of your work – the medium. I use mostly acrylic paints, layering and texture mediums, metal leaf and mica to create abstract layers. But, there is another “what” in our creations as well, outside of the mediums that we use as a tool for communication and connection.

The other “what” is everything to my experience as an artist. It is a message from the place with no words in my heart. In life we have moments of clarity tied to something bigger than what and who
we think we are, and the back and forth in our minds and hearts between clarity and thought is the “what” that I attempt to share with others through art.

“Your job is not to please people. Your job is to be the most like yourself.”

– Brian Rutenberg, Landscape Painter


I look at the “who” of being an artist as a voice from my authentic self. Our voice’s expression changes, according to our journey and growth as human beings. I am a painter, writer, poet, and dancer. With that said, painting for me is part of a spiritual journey with my conscious awareness and others. When I put a medium on a panel, I am not just working with my hands and tools, I am painting an intention to carry something to the heart of the individuals that connect with that piece of art.


I work in abstract layers and metal leaf as a contemplation on the layers within our mind between our darkness and light; our ego and formless consciousness.  You know, the juxtaposition of the constant chatter in our minds and then those subtle moments of peace that we get when we find time to be quiet and connect with silence and breath. 

 Metal leaf is key to my work, and I love how it can look so clean and bright, and then distressed and broken at the same time.  This is life and nature to me. 

I love to capture the movement of paint when mixed with water, and break it up with isopropyl alcohol to see the light peak through as gold.  In our minds and the never ending stream of thoughts, there is always light seeping in to help us awaken and realize that there is no separation; that we are infinitely connected in spirit and our journey together.  This is my inspiration, this is my hope.